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Dueling Carolinas

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Welcome to Topretirements Best Places Newsletter for Febuary 13.  One of today's featured articles highlights user input on our "Dueling Carolinas" comparison article, which generated a record 631 comments!  Great stuff.

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Costa Rica Retirement Guide

Costa Rica, located just above Panama in Central America, is one of the most enviable places for an ex-pat retirement.  The government and economy are stable, crime is low, and the country is at the vanguard of eco-tourism and a sustainable energy position. More »

Dueling Carolinas: What Our Members Had to Say

The 631 comments made to our Dueling Carolinas Blog post pretty much covered every imaginable topic - from property taxes to where to live.  Here we highlight 2 of the most comprehensive comments made by Members, along with tips on how to mine this treasure trove of user input.   What you say >>

FInd Your Best Place to Retire

Finally: Someone Introduces a Bill to Fix Social Security

The last time Congress succeeded in shoring up Social Security was in 1983. Meanwhile the Trustees predict that promised benefits will have to be cut significantly in 2034 if nothing is done.  Finally a bill has been introduced to solve the problem, and we think it is a good start.  More>>

Blowing Rock, North Carolina

This very tiny but affluent town in northwest North Carolina's Blue Ridge Mountains got its name from rocks above the town that cause vertical wind currents.  NC residents traveled here for the cool fresh air and magnificent mountain views. Blowing Rock boasts restaurants, hotels, golf courses, and other attractions perfect for retirees.    More>>

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